Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Typho: Falling Down

I've fallen and I can't get up.
Falling Down
Originally uploaded by Captain Typho.

Not my finest hour.

It started out okay.

Half-mile sprint across sand? Too easy.

Scale a ten-foot wall? No problem.

The Sarlacc pit? Well, that was tricky. I narrowly missed getting grabbed by a tentacle.

From there it should've been easy. Just the balance beam, the Bantha poodoo and the rock climb. Piece of cake.

Only, I couldn't manage the balance beam. I got a third of the way across and fell. It was the sand. I couldn't get my footing. Maybe a little vertigo.

Anyway, I picked myself up and ran all the way back to the start of the course. I could swear that's what the Jawa said we had to do!!


I was only supposed to run back to the start of the balance beam segment.

Sigh. Master Yoda had a field day with that snafu.

Still, the Ooteeni team managed to make up the time.

Things were going well, when...

You know what? I'll let Master Yoda tell you.