Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Palpatine: Jury Member #2

Palpatine steps up to the podium. He turns to slowly review the assembled jury.

Those that voted him off…..

Those that betrayed him……

Treachery and deceit fills the air ……

As much as they like to sit on their high moral ground…the Jedi…Senators…assorted species… they would all make good Sith.

…if they could only be turned?

J.J. speaks, “uh, chancellor? Do you have any questions?”

I collect myself.

“I will ask you both the same two questions. Two shall be the count, and the count shall be two. I shall not stop at one, nor shall I continue to three. Two is the correct number of questions, and the questions shall be two. FOUR is right out…”

“Chancellor!” J.J. admonishes me.

“Sorry.” I collect myself again.

Other members of the jury look at each other questioning my sanity…as they should.

“Master Yoda. Master Qui-Gon. Congratulations on your arriving at this point in the game. I am sure that neither of you have done anything to your teammates that you should be ashamed of, hmm?” I give them a pointed look.

Other members of the jury continue to look at each other questioning my sanity…as they should.

“First question. I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. Name it.”

“Second question. What is the airspeed velocity of an un-laden swallow? And don’t say African or European, because we ALL know we are on Tatooine and there are no swallows here. I am specifically referring to a swallow on Kashykk.”


Blogger Master Yoda said...

“First question. I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. Name it.”

Answer: Orange

“Second question. What is the airspeed velocity of an un-laden swallow?"

Answer: Depends, what day of the week it is?

7:32 PM, October 26, 2005  

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