Friday, September 02, 2005

Yoda: Not Again

Like Typho, a slow, weak looking Bantha I went after. One I finally caught. Wait a minute I thought, familiar this one looks.

Just then, Han walked by. "You know, I could really go for a pickle right about now."


Wuaaaaarh! Phlpppt!

After consciousness I regained, up I looked and the bantha I saw. "Bob, you that is?"

Licking me, Bob was. Apparently, attached to me he had become.

"Ew. No! Bad bantha! Bad blind gassy bantha!"

But stop he would not. Getting soaked I was. Grossed out I was. Finally, away from his huge tongue and around to his side, I got.

The "shears" I picked up. A Flowbee they had given me! From all those infomercials I watch, I recognized it. Unfortunately, having trouble figuring it out I was. Of course helping it was not, being swatted repeatedly in the face by Bob's tail.

In disgust, down I threw the Flowbee. A big handful of hair I grabbed with my hands and as hard as I could, I yanked. But out, no hair came. Harder I pulled. Repeatedly I yanked. Much, much yanking I had to do. Finally, into my hand a clump of hair came out. Have to do this will, I thought. To the staging area I headed.

When there I got, to JJ I handed the hair.

"Uh, Yoda, this hair is grey." he said.

"What?!" My own hair I had yanked out! And spare any I can not!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Typho: Close Shave

Bantha Challenge
Originally uploaded by Captain Typho.
I think I have an honest chance of winning this challenge. Not that I know anything about banthas, but as a kid I did have a dog with a lot of hair that my dad was too cheap to send to the groomers, so I had to take care of it. I learned to use clippers on the dog with varying degrees of success. I used the clippers once on my dad too. He was asleep at the time. To say that he was upset when he woke up is a bit of an understatement.

Anyway, since I'm not getting these banthas ready for the show ring, I should be good to go.

I chose a slow, elderly bantha lagging at the back of the herd. It responded to my offering of food and the shearing began. It got away from me a couple times, but more offerings of food calmed it down and brought it back.

Eventually, the task was done.

When I looked up, some others had finished also. I was so much in the zone, I'm not sure who finished first.

Crossing my fingers...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Challenge #7: Bantha Shearing

Welcome Survivors. Today’s challenge is brought to you by Dirt Vader.

Dirt Vader: When you need something clean…the dark side sucks!

Okay, as you can see for today’s challenge were out in the dune sea again. That’s because we have spotted a huge herd of Banthas here.

Some of the locals will round up the Banthas and sheer them for their tasty wool. Today’s challenge is for each of you to sneak up close enough to one or more Banthas and use these sheers and cut off as much bantha wool as possible in an hour's time…with out them stepping on you, of course.

Let me remind you that these are wild Banthas; they are not going to be easy to get close to much less allow you to sheer off their fur. The player with the most Bantha wool collected wins immunity.

In addition to immunity, the winner will also have a rare opportunity to name one other person to receive immunity from this week’s vote.

Pretty straight forward? Any questions? Then here are your sheers and get going.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Tribal Council: Week Six

Welcome Survivors.

For the moment we’ll be calling you ‘The Tribe’ until a final name for your tribe can be reached. You all did stunningly well on the Swoop Bike challenge. I say this because there were no major injuries. That’s good. Master Yoda won the challenge so he can not be voted off this time.

Now that everyone has finished voting…I’ll read the votes.

First Vote……………….Dooku








The eighth person voted off Survivor: Tatooine….

Aayla. I’m sorry, but the tribe has spoken.